VOLTA 2024: Basel, Switzerland

Klybeck 610, 10 - 16 June 2024 
Booth B14

GJG's stand has a specific focus on the linearity of art history, presenting a set of artists that effectively revisit a variety of artistic currents. The curation begins with the work of Eleanor Johnson, whose conceptual inspiration is drawn for Hellenistic mythology, while her baseline chromatic palette is directly translated from the works of Old Masters such as Rubens and Michelangelo. It then moves on to Megan Baker, who looks at Pre-Raphaelite art as a source of inspiration for her abstracted compositions and the representation of nature. Lucienne O'Mara navigates Modernist theories and aesthetics, using colour and the structural composition of the grid as means to investigate emotion and perception. O'Mara is directly followed by Milan Young, whose work references that of the American Abstract Expressionists, placing gesturalism, feelings, and the element of chance at the core of her production. Lastly, we see the work of Georgia Dymock who, with an eye on the future, skilfully incorporates digital rendering into her work, translating 3D sculptures onto the canvas.